An 8-hour festival of co-creation in two segments
20 & 21 March 2022 — 16:00-20:00 GMT
Are you passionate about one or more of the place-based movements, listed below, and curious about how the tools and experience of Decentralized Autonomous Organisations (DAOs) can boost scaling and impact of your community and its coordination with likeminded, like-hearted efforts?
Bioregionalism, circular economy, regenerative health, cosmolocalism, crypto-commons with a land base, eco-villages, food commons, glocal communities, maker spaces, permaculture, place-based platform coops, regenerative agriculture and forestry, regenerative cities, regenerative economics, regenerative health, Transition Towns, u.labs, urban commons, and more…
Are you a practitioner of DAO culture or Web3 technologies and passionate about what they could do to power up people working in that ecosystem of movements for regenerative change?
Let’s come together and let the dance of co-creation and synergistic adventures begin!
This Rendezvous will be the second event in an ongoing series of bi-annual gatherings on the solstices and equinoxes each year, organized by the Future HOW research center in collaboration with the Campus Co-Evolve virtual university of change facilitators and ecosystem catalysts. The series as a whole is designed as a Generative Action Research that is both a radical sociology inquiry into regenerative change, and a method of building momentum for such change.
The ultimate purpose of the action research is:
To discover & promote ways to increase the aliveness of social movements for systems change, by amplifying their connectedness and impact with what DAOs and Web3 tech can bring to them.
“The only true store of value is a thriving, evolvable community in healthy relationship with thriving land that can maintain itself in relationship with all other human activities.” — Jordan Hall
The growing number of such “evolvable communities” in the bioregions, urban and rural areas and the people who are moving the edge of their evolution, frequently supported by Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) and related technologies.
One of the sources of our inspiration, Daniel Christian Wahl wrote, “The best way to learn how to participate appropriately is to pay more attention to systemic relationships and interactions, to aim to support the resilience and health of the whole system, to foster diversity and redundancies at multiple scales, and to facilitate positive emergence through paying attention to the quality of connections and information flows in the system.”
Paying attention to systemic relationships and interactions at multiple scales, including glocally, requires an extendable infrastructure that supports bottom-up self-organization. That’s why The Rendezvous is aiming at fostering the self-empowerment of place-based groups and initiatives with Web3 and DAO, on March 20 and 21, and beyond.
It’s an invitational event for people actively involved with place-based initiatives or technologies that can support them. Registration is free. To reserve your place and receive more information fill in this application form. (Enrolment is limited to 30 participants who will be chosen based on their work and motivation).
Our call has been generating a much greater, enthused interest than we anticipated. To respond d to it and sustain the ongoing momentum as it moves forward following the gathering, the organizing team is now expanding.
We welcome contributions from action researchers, crowdfunding cultivators, Discord experts, graphic artists, greeter/onboarder, information architects, journalists, knowledge gardeners, logistics leads, social media maven, social movement mapmakers, online community hosts, proof-readers, video makers, WordPress wizards workflow coordinators, and writers.
If you have a knack for any of the above and a little time to become part of this unfolding journey, let Anna Betz know about it anna@campus-coevolve.org. If you have any question, you can address that, too, to her.
We intend to organize ourselves as a DAO in the future but presently, everything that we do is by our volunteers’ work of love for the vision of a better world and how this initiative can contribute to it.
If you love what we do and want to support it but don’t have time, you can make a donation here.