Becoming Wiser with AI


Welcome to Future HOW

The home of Action Research for
Regenerative Futures!

If you are reading this page, there’s a chance that what’s common in us includes that neither of us has to toil somewhere, performing work without dignity, meaning and enjoyment. But the vast majority of people—who are people, not only “employees”—do, according to Gallup Institute.. Let’s keep that in mind as we look for the root causes generating our manifold crises, e.g.: 

the evermore freakish climate, the spread of the authoritarian vibe in the US and even in the more stable Europe, the supermarkets silently poisoning our bodies with super-processed food, the unprecedented humanitarian crisis in many parts of the world, and the list goes on…

Meanwhile, thanks to scientific progress and tech innovation, the human lifespan keeps expanding, planetary connectivity is increasing, the rise of solar energy is predicted to surpass coal in this decade, and breakthroughs in AI are giving a new boost to individual and collective creativity.  We notice that everything is moving faster and faster in both desired and undesired directions simultaneously. How will we arrive at the other end of the resulting chaotic times?

Maybe, we are going to make it, but there’s no guarantee we will. The human yearning for a more beautiful world where all can flourish doesn’t have a playbook to borrow pages from which would tell us how to get there. Hence the name of our organization: Future HOW.
Whatever form and shape our Emerging Planetary Reality will take, it won’t be a perfect utopia, only a world that we can grow gradually better even, and maybe, especially when facing adversities. We don’t discount humanity’s existential risks capable of foiling that emergence. But as many others said, the best way to predict the future is to create it. And we can do that only together. If any of our current and planned projects speaks to you,

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